Bulk transport

Le transport en vrac joue un rôle central dans la gestion logistique de nombreux secteurs, notamment la construction, l’industrie et l’agriculture.

Que ce soit pour le transport de matériaux comme la terre, le sable, ou des marchandises volumineuses, ce service offre une solution fiable et adaptée aux besoins des entreprises.

Chez Drapeau Transport, nous mettons à votre disposition une flotte d’équipements modernes et polyvalents pour répondre aux exigences les plus spécifiques.

Our tractors

Nous mettons à profit notre savoir-faire pour accompagner les entreprises de Québec, Montréal, et de la Rive-Nord dans leurs besoins en transport en vrac. Nous suivons de près les évolutions du secteur pour garantir des solutions conformes et adaptées à chaque projet.

Dans une région dynamique comme le Québec, où les normes en matière de camionnage évoluent régulièrement, notre entreprise s’assure de toujours respecter les règles les plus récentes. 

Que ce soit pour le transport de matières dangereuses, de produits agricoles ou de matériaux de construction, nous veillons à ce que chaque opération réponde aux exigences locales et régionales.

Transport en vrac : Nos services

  • Transport de matériaux lourds : terre, gravier, sable, neige.
  • Transport de matériaux volumineux : acier, poutres, palettes.
  • Transport de marchandises générales : cargaisons légères ou lourdes, locales ou longue distance.

Nos tracteurs

Tracteurs 10 Roues équipés de PTO (Prise de force hydraulique)

Ces tracteurs sont idéaux pour le transport de matériaux lourds en vrac. Grâce à leur dispositif hydraulique PTO (ou "wet-kit"), ils sont parfaitement adaptés aux remorques à benne basculante, permettant de charger et décharger rapidement des matériaux comme la terre, le sable, le gravier et même la neige. La puissance hydraulique garantit une efficacité maximale dans des conditions exigeantes, ce qui est essentiel pour des projets de construction ou de déneigement.

Trailers dedicated to bulk transport

Bulk transport (soil, sand, gravel, snow)

Our dump trailers, also known as dumpers, are ideal for transporting bulk materials such as dirt, gravel, and snow. Available in various sizes, these trailers allow for easy and quick unloading, making them ideal for large construction sites and snow removal projects. Our dumpers are designed to withstand heavy loads and tough conditions, ensuring that your materials arrive safely at their destination.

Flatbed trailers for specialized transport

10-Wheel Tractors

Our flatbed trailers, also called Flatbed, are specially designed for transport of bulky materials or difficult to load into enclosed trailers. Thanks to their open and sturdy surface, these trailers can transport a wide variety of goods, including construction materials, pallets and steel loads.

General transport

30, 38, 48, and 53-foot trailers with hydraulic liftgate.

These trailers are designed to transport a wide variety of goods, from small cargoes to bulky loads. Equipped with a hydraulic lift, they facilitate handling and loading, making the transport process faster and safer. They are particularly suitable for long trips thanks to their large load capacity and their air suspension, which guarantees smooth transport even on rough roads.

Flatbed trailers for specialized transport

10-Wheel Tractors

Drapeau Transport is your expert in freight transport, whether for local deliveries or over long distances. We ensure the safe transport and handling of your goods, guaranteeing fast and efficient delivery.

Our fleet is equipped to meet all your needs, with wooden and metal boxes that can carry loads of up to 2,000 pounds, ideal for auto parts, metal parts, and other heavy goods.

Trust Drapeau Transport to serve the Island of Montreal, the North Shore, and the eastern suburbs, by offering professional and tailor-made services adapted to your business.

FAQ sur nos services de transport en vrac

What types of products can we transport?

Our fleet is designed to handle a wide variety of bulk materials, including:

  • Building materials : earth, gravel, sand, concrete.
  • Agricultural materials : grains, fertilizer, compost.
  • Snow : ideal for removing snow from large areas or industrial areas.
  • Industrial waste : bulky or specific materials requiring secure transport.

Thanks to our 10-wheel tractors equipped with PTO and our dump trailers, we guarantee fast and safe transport, even for heavy materials or in large quantities.

What are the advantages of bulk transport compared to transporting goods in individual containers?

Bulk transport has several advantages compared to the use of individual containers:

  • Efficiency for homogeneous materials : Bulk transport is ideal for materials such as soil, sand or gravel, which do not require separation or individual packaging. This simplifies logistics and reduces manipulations.

  • Cost reduction : By avoiding the costs associated with the purchase, maintenance and management of containers, bulk transport offers a more economical solution, especially for large quantities.

  • Fast loading and unloading : Thanks to dump trailers and equipment such as tractors equipped with PTO, loading and unloading operations are smooth and fast, thus reducing delays.

  • Optimizing capacity : Trailers used for bulk transport make it possible to maximize the available space, which is particularly advantageous for large volumes of goods.

  • Flexibility : Bulk transport is suitable for a wide variety of materials, whether solid, liquid or semi-solid. This versatility meets specific needs that container transport does not always cover.
  • Less waste : By eliminating the use of containers or individual packages, bulk transport contributes to the reduction of waste and can be more environmentally friendly.
What are the sectors of activity that use bulk transport?

Bulk transport meets the logistical needs of many sectors thanks to its ability to manage large volumes of materials. Here are the main areas of application:

  • Construction and public works :
    This sector uses bulk transport to move materials such as soil, gravel, sand and concrete, which are needed for development and infrastructure projects.
  • Agriculture and farming :
    Grains, fertilizers and other agricultural products are transported in bulk for the supply needs of farms and cooperatives.
  • Waste management and recycling :
    Bulk transport is commonly used to move industrial waste or recyclable materials to treatment or recovery sites.
  • Energy sector :
    Fuels such as coal, wood chips, or other raw materials are transported in bulk to power energy or industrial installations.
  • Snow removal and winter management :
    During the winter, the snow accumulated in urban or industrial areas is transported in bulk to free up the spaces needed for activities.

Contact us!

Drapeau et Fils, your ally for a hassle-free winter in Montreal and on the North Shore.

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